Total War: Warhammer Wikia

<tabber>Black Orcs =

Black Orcs
Wh main grn black orc
Faction Greenskins
GR mon 64
Category Great Axe


120px-Infantry axe great
Unit Size 80
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 1200 (1150)
Icon income
Upkeep: 300
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 3
Icon stat health
Health: 101
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 70
Icon stat speed
Speed: 29
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 34
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 20
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 30
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 11
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armor-Piercing Damage: 33
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 3.7 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 110

Black Orcs is a Greenskins melee infantry unit in Total War: Warhammer. Black Orcs are more disciplined, armoured and deadly than other Orcs, ripping through enemies with their heavy weapons for fun.


Black Orcs are the biggest, meanest and strongest of all Orcs. They get their name from their dark green or black skin, although the title is just as much derived from their dour demeanour. Black Orcs are grim and singularly focused on war - an occupation they take extremely seriously. It can truly be said that Black Orcs live to fight. In this regard all Black Orcs treat other Greenskins, even the more battle-worthy types, such as Boar Boyz, as little more than frivolous amateurs. This is largely because lesser Orcs, even the hulking Big 'Uns of the Orc tribes, are likely to squabble amongst themselves instead of concentrating on the foe. This lack of discipline is a shortcoming that Black Orcs neither forget nor forgive. The Black Orcs' opinion of Goblins is even worse, seeing them as beneath contempt and not fit to carry spare equipment, much less fight.


Attribute Description
Hide forest
Hide (forest) This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Immune to psychology
Immune to Psychology The unit is immune to psychological attacks (fear and terror).


|-|Audio= in game voice
