Total War: Warhammer Wikia
Total War: Warhammer Wikia

<tabber>Boris Todbringer=

Boris Todbringer
Boris bg
Faction Middenland
Wh main emp middenland 256
Category Sword Infantry
Unit Size 1
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 1000 (1000)
Icon income
Upkeep: 250
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 0
Icon stat health
Health: 3890
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 70
Icon stat speed
Speed: 35
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 60
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 50
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 40
20px-Resistance missile
Damage Resist Missile: -15%
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 300
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armour-Piercing Damage: 150
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 3.8 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 85
Modifier icon shield
Shield: 55%

Boris Todbringer is a Empire Lord in the Call of the Beastmen DLC. Boris Todbringer is featured in the An Eye For An Eye campaign. He is a man of singular action and determined purpose: to rid the forests of Khazrak's bestial scourge. Upon completing An Eye For An Eye, Boris becomes a playable Empire lord in custom battles and multiplayer.


Boris Todbringer is a man of blunt truth and affirmative action, but in the election for Emperor of 2502 he was outplayed by the "foolish young pup" Karl Franz and his allies. Finding himself in the shadow of the Cult of Sigmar and denied the throne, Todbringer raged at the newly-anointed Emperor until the Beastmen raids into the Drakwald reminded him that his sacred duties were more important than mere political squabbles, no matter the cost to his status. Like all Middenheimers and men of Ulric, Boris Todbringer never takes a challenge lightly, and so brought total war to the Beastmen and their leader, Khazrak. The feud between them became the stuff of legend; Boris took one of Khazrak's eyes only to lose one of his own by the Beastlord's hand at a later date. This visceral struggle made Todbringer forget his political rivalry with Altdorf in favour of a worthier cause: fighting evil in the Drakwald – the seemingly impossible task of cleansing the forest of its bestial taint and bringing security to the Empire's borderlands.


Mount none
On Foot
Mount barded warhorse-1
Barded Warhorse
Mount imperial pegasus-0
Imperial Pegasus
Mount imperial griffon
Imperial Griffon


Attribute Description
Encourage This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.
Hide forest
Hide (forest) This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.


Ability Description
Wh dlc03 lord passive crush the weak
Crush the Weak When caught within radius of Todbringer, those enemies whose morale is already weak must face further penalties to their melee abilities.
Wh main character abilities deadly onslaught
Deadly Onslaught Such is the power and ferocity of the champion, that those who stand in his way will falter against the warrior's impact.
Wh main character abilities foe seeker
Foe-Seeker There are those who wish nothing more than to be at the heart of battle, seeking foes to vanquish.
Wh main character abilities stand your ground
Stand Your Ground! On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.
Wh main lord passive hold the line
Hold the Line! Those in command of the ranks will issue their orders with a ferocious bark, expecting instant obeisance.

|-|On Barded Warhorse=

Boris Todbringer
Boris bg
Faction Middenland
Wh main emp middenland 256
Category Cavalry
Unit Size 1
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 1200 (1200)
Icon income
Upkeep: 300
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 0
Icon stat health
Health: 4884
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 70
Icon stat speed
Speed: 66
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 60
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 50
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 70
20px-Resistance missile
Damage Resist Missile: -15%
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 300
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armour-Piercing Damage: 150
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 3.8 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 100
Modifier icon shield
Shield: 35%

Boris Todbringer is a Empire Lord in the Call of the Beastmen DLC. Boris Todbringer is featured in the An Eye For An Eye campaign. He is a man of singular action and determined purpose: to rid the forests of Khazrak's bestial scourge. Upon completing An Eye For An Eye, Boris becomes a playable Empire lord in custom battles and multiplayer.


Boris Todbringer is a man of blunt truth and affirmative action, but in the election for Emperor of 2502 he was outplayed by the "foolish young pup" Karl Franz and his allies. Finding himself in the shadow of the Cult of Sigmar and denied the throne, Todbringer raged at the newly-anointed Emperor until the Beastmen raids into the Drakwald reminded him that his sacred duties were more important than mere political squabbles, no matter the cost to his status. Like all Middenheimers and men of Ulric, Boris Todbringer never takes a challenge lightly, and so brought total war to the Beastmen and their leader, Khazrak. The feud between them became the stuff of legend; Boris took one of Khazrak's eyes only to lose one of his own by the Beastlord's hand at a later date. This visceral struggle made Todbringer forget his political rivalry with Altdorf in favour of a worthier cause: fighting evil in the Drakwald – the seemingly impossible task of cleansing the forest of its bestial taint and bringing security to the Empire's borderlands.


Mount barded warhorse-1
Barded Warhorse Smaller than their powerful Bretonnian equivalents, barding protects Imperial warhorses from blows that would otherwise fell these proud beasts.


Attribute Description
Encourage This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.
Hide forest
Hide (forest) This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.


Ability Description
Wh dlc03 lord passive crush the weak
Crush the Weak When caught within radius of Todbringer, those enemies whose morale is already weak must face further penalties to their melee abilities.
Wh main character abilities deadly onslaught
Deadly Onslaught Such is the power and ferocity of the champion, that those who stand in his way will falter against the warrior's impact.
Wh main character abilities foe seeker
Foe-Seeker There are those who wish nothing more than to be at the heart of battle, seeking foes to vanquish.
Wh main character abilities stand your ground
Stand Your Ground! On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.
Wh main lord passive hold the line
Hold the Line! Those in command of the ranks will issue their orders with a ferocious bark, expecting instant obeisance.

|-|On Imperial Pegasus=

Boris Todbringer
Boris bg
Faction Middenland
Wh main emp middenland 256
Category Flying Cavalry
Unit Size 1
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 1350 (1400)
Icon income
Upkeep: 337
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 0
Icon stat health
Health: 4540
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 70
Icon stat speed
Speed: 55
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 60
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 50
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 85
20px-Resistance missile
Damage Resist Missile: -15%
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 300
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armour-Piercing Damage: 150
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 3.8 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 85
Modifier icon shield
Shield: 35%

Boris Todbringer is a Empire Lord in the Call of the Beastmen DLC. Boris Todbringer is featured in the An Eye For An Eye campaign. He is a man of singular action and determined purpose: to rid the forests of Khazrak's bestial scourge. Upon completing An Eye For An Eye, Boris becomes a playable Empire lord in custom battles and multiplayer.


Boris Todbringer is a man of blunt truth and affirmative action, but in the election for Emperor of 2502 he was outplayed by the "foolish young pup" Karl Franz and his allies. Finding himself in the shadow of the Cult of Sigmar and denied the throne, Todbringer raged at the newly-anointed Emperor until the Beastmen raids into the Drakwald reminded him that his sacred duties were more important than mere political squabbles, no matter the cost to his status. Like all Middenheimers and men of Ulric, Boris Todbringer never takes a challenge lightly, and so brought total war to the Beastmen and their leader, Khazrak. The feud between them became the stuff of legend; Boris took one of Khazrak's eyes only to lose one of his own by the Beastlord's hand at a later date. This visceral struggle made Todbringer forget his political rivalry with Altdorf in favour of a worthier cause: fighting evil in the Drakwald – the seemingly impossible task of cleansing the forest of its bestial taint and bringing security to the Empire's borderlands.


Mount imperial pegasus-0
Imperial Pegasus The swiftest of mounts – whether on land or in the skies – pegasi hooves can smash a man’s head in with a single blow.


Attribute Description
Encourage This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.


Ability Description
Wh dlc03 lord passive crush the weak
Crush the Weak When caught within radius of Todbringer, those enemies whose morale is already weak must face further penalties to their melee abilities.
Wh main character abilities deadly onslaught
Deadly Onslaught Such is the power and ferocity of the champion, that those who stand in his way will falter against the warrior's impact.
Wh main character abilities foe seeker
Foe-Seeker There are those who wish nothing more than to be at the heart of battle, seeking foes to vanquish.
Wh main character abilities stand your ground
Stand Your Ground! On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.
Wh main lord passive hold the line
Hold the Line! Those in command of the ranks will issue their orders with a ferocious bark, expecting instant obeisance.

|-|On Imperial Griffon=

Boris Todbringer
Boris bg
Faction Middenland
Wh main emp middenland 256
Category Flying Monster
Unit Size 1
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 1500 (1600)
Icon income
Upkeep: 375
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 0
Icon stat health
Health: 4880
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 70
Icon stat speed
Speed: 70
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 45
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 50
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 90
20px-Resistance missile
Damage Resist Missile: -15%
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 160
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armour-Piercing Damage: 290
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 3.8 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 85

Boris Todbringer is a Empire Lord in the Call of the Beastmen DLC. Boris Todbringer is featured in the An Eye For An Eye campaign. He is a man of singular action and determined purpose: to rid the forests of Khazrak's bestial scourge. Upon completing An Eye For An Eye, Boris becomes a playable Empire lord in custom battles and multiplayer.


Boris Todbringer is a man of blunt truth and affirmative action, but in the election for Emperor of 2502 he was outplayed by the "foolish young pup" Karl Franz and his allies. Finding himself in the shadow of the Cult of Sigmar and denied the throne, Todbringer raged at the newly-anointed Emperor until the Beastmen raids into the Drakwald reminded him that his sacred duties were more important than mere political squabbles, no matter the cost to his status. Like all Middenheimers and men of Ulric, Boris Todbringer never takes a challenge lightly, and so brought total war to the Beastmen and their leader, Khazrak. The feud between them became the stuff of legend; Boris took one of Khazrak's eyes only to lose one of his own by the Beastlord's hand at a later date. This visceral struggle made Todbringer forget his political rivalry with Altdorf in favour of a worthier cause: fighting evil in the Drakwald – the seemingly impossible task of cleansing the forest of its bestial taint and bringing security to the Empire's borderlands.


Mount imperial griffon
Imperial Griffon Part-lion, part-bird of prey, their hooked beaks easily severing the limbs of those who get too close.


Attribute Description
Causes fear
Can Cause Fear This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their leadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack.
Causes terror
Can Cause Terror This unit can cause terror, making its melee target rout for a short time. Units that cause terror are immune to terror and fear themselves.
Encourage This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.


Ability Description
Wh dlc03 lord passive crush the weak
Crush the Weak When caught within radius of Todbringer, those enemies whose morale is already weak must face further penalties to their melee abilities.
Wh main character abilities deadly onslaught
Deadly Onslaught Such is the power and ferocity of the champion, that those who stand in his way will falter against the warrior's impact.
Wh main character abilities foe seeker
Foe-Seeker There are those who wish nothing more than to be at the heart of battle, seeking foes to vanquish.
Wh main character abilities stand your ground
Stand Your Ground! On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.
Wh main lord passive hold the line
Hold the Line! Those in command of the ranks will issue their orders with a ferocious bark, expecting instant obeisance.
Wh main mount passive bloodroar
Bloodroar The mighty griffon lets out a blood-curdling roar, chilling his enemies.

|-|Galery= pics

|-|Audio= in game voice
