Total War: Warhammer Wikia

<tabber>Orc Boar Boyz =

Orc Boar Boyz
Wh main grn boar boyz
Faction Greenskins
GR mon 64
Category Shock Cavalry
120px-Shock cavalry boar
Unit Size 60
Icon treasury
Recruitment cost (MP): 650 (650)
Icon income
Upkeep: 162
Icon hourglass
Recruitment time: 2
Icon stat health
Health: 84
Icon stat morale
Leadership: 60
Icon stat speed
Speed: 60
Icon stat attack
Melee Attack: 16
Icon stat defence
Melee Defence: 22
Icon stat charge bonus
Charge Bonus: 40
Melee Weapon
Icon stat damage
Weapon Damage 10
Modifier icon armour piercing
Armor-Piercing Damage: 18
Icon stat speed
Melee Interval: 4.6 seconds
Icon stat armour
Armour: 55
Modifier icon shield1
Shield: 30%

Orc Boar Boyz is a Greenskins cavalry unit in Total War: Warhammer. Prideful - and all the more deadly for it - the Boar Boyz deal grizzly death from atop their mounts.


Most Orc Boar Boyz mobs have colourful titles - "Da Tuskers", "Snortin' Wreckas", "Line-Smashas" and so on. Many bear crude board imagery on their banners and shields, depicting tusked skulls, bloody hoofs, and the like. When not carried in battle, such gear of war hangs atop the stockade pens that enclose the war boars. It is common practice to stack any trophies, like severed heads or enemy banners, around the boar enclosure. Boar Boyz take advantage of their elite status, lording it over all other Greenskins save leaders and Black Orcs. It is natural in some tribes for a mob of Boar Boyz to develop into Big 'Uns. The combination of especially large and powerful Orcs atop war boars makes for even more devastating charges and, not surprisingly, even greater swagger and bravado around the Greenskin camp.


Attribute Description
Hide forest
Hide (forest) This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.


|-|Audio= in game voice
